WeGotSoccer Epic 1-Day “Leap Year” Sale!


This deal has been EXTENDED THROUGH “SUPER TUESDAY” – We got confirmation that it is still good for one more day, March 1st.

It has been a while since we have featured a truly killer sale, well what better time than today. On offer, WeGotSoccer are offering an additional 20% off anything in their Clearance Section. Given current sale prices, that can result in sales of upto 70% off.

Important note here. Once you get to the Clearance Section, the prices listed are the current sale prices. In order to see them drop an extra 20%, you will need to add them to your cart. (*or use the code listed at the bottom of this post)

Top examples of deals added to your cart include:

But it gets even better – there are pairs of Nike Hypervenom Phinish available for $80 (originally $200 60% OFF). If you need a STEAL OF A DEAL, that is where you should be headed right now.

Boot Line-up

My advice on this one: take some time to delve just a little deeper in the clearance section, you are sure to find even better deals on offer. But note that the sale runs for one day only as a way to celebrate this leap year – it ends at midnight tonight! Enjoy, and let us know in the comments if you pick up something new.

*If for some reason the link doesn’t automatically take 20% off in cart, you can also use code leap20.

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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