SKLZ Soccer Strong Review – Whats In The Box?

SKLZ Soccer Trainer

For players in need of a new way to improve their game, the SKLZ Soccer Strong package is definitely worth checking out. For most, being on the ball is a key step for improvement, but there is also an added element where a direct focus on power, strength and speed can create a more complete player. This is a package that has the potential to elevate a player from good to better, if they are willing to put the effort in!

There is a lot to take in with this one, with a slew of training tools tucked inside the black box. We got our hands on one from the folks at SKLZ for a feature review. Dropping $180 on a training program might seem a little daunting for some folks. So, lets get right to it and take a look at exactly what you get in the box to start.

SKLZ Soccer Strong

What You Get

Included in the package, you get streaming access to the 9-week training program, recovery sessions and bonus content that including videos to help you “Get Started”, do your specially prepared “Performance Test” and sneak behind the scenes with Professional Athletes and Coaches. All good stuff! You will also have access to Soccer Strong for 2 years after you create your account and you receive all the products (seen below) that you need including Mini Bands, Training Cables (plus Flex Handles and Door Anchor) and Slidez.

Again, let me emphasis here the fact that this program is geared towards body strength and how you can prepare to be a better soccer athlete. The program can be completed indoors, as long as you have access to the internet and some space to move around. You won’t be on a ball – although it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get out and kick the ball around post SKLZ session to get extra touches when your body is in workout mode.

SKLZ Soccer Strong 9-Week Training Program

SKLZ Soccer Strong Slidez

SKLZ Soccer Strong Mini Bands

SKLZ Soccer Strong Training Cables

How To Use It

The key here is simple; just like any similar training program, you absolutely need to be committed for it to work. Commitment. If you don’t have the time right now, don’t go any further! The good news is the fact everything included is tailor made for soccer players, and you can tell right from the start that people involved in the game pieced it together. Having “soccer knowledge” is invaluable, so input from players like Alex Morgan.

What makes it so unique is the dual purpose of the program. Rather than just focusing on general performance, SKLZ has placed an emphasis on how players can build body strength as well as improve mental focus. There are many elements that go into developing as a player, putting it together in a 9-week program is pretty complex!

In the 9-week program, there is 3 phases as follows:

Phase 1: Laying down foundations. Phase 2: Developmental. Phase 3: High Performance.

Each phase is covered in 3 weeks, and each week you get 3 training sessions and 2 recovery sessions.

Who Is This For?

Anyone can use the program and experience improvement. I received the package back at the end of October, so I’ve grafted my way through as best I can. But, like some of you out there, I’m not looking to take a step up to the next level. I’ve had my time in the game, played pro, enjoyed the heavy training days and now simply enjoy staying involved, keeping fit and staying ready for any high-profile game that comes up.

This is a program that will offer most benefits to players aspiring to reach the next level. I’m absolutely gearing this toward high-school players that want to find a starting spot at their preferred college. It is the extra level of training to fine tune your skills and give you something you won’t get from your daily training session. Going a little deeper, I see it being more popular with female players (primarily because Alex Morgan and Ali Krieger have put her name to the program) but there is no doubt male players will appreciate what is on offer.

Is It Worth The Money?

The answer to this is simple: if you commit the time, it is worth the money. There are a ton of training programs available, but the difference here is that you have proven international athletes guiding you through the program and helping you improve from the core. Better yet, you can tell the athletes are sweating as they are put through their paces to complete each session!

If you are ready to find out more about the program, head on over to

Get Closer SKLZ Soccer

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. I've heard it wasn't difficult enough even for HS Girls?

  2. Brian you must be getting paid to do these product reviews because you never say something is bad and don't reply to posts anymore like you did in the past. I think the site has gone downhill since you changed your ratings system and seemed to sell out on product reviews. Now, I look to otter sites for my information because you are late on boot reviews, give "middle" reviews and don't talk to your audience anymore. I hope you improve but I think it's too late as other sites are kicking your ass on being good all around on reviews.

    • The review scores has been a project in the works and is actually currently back up. In terms of this particular feature, it is a product we enjoyed with not much area to be negative about. Should I write negative commentary just to make it more audacious? As for boot reviews, I have been lax on them lately – primarily due to time issues (I've been busy in a lot of areas, on site and in life!). That is something I'm looking to work towards improving, hoping to bash out some missed reviews and newer releases over the coming weeks!

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