Every now and again, an idea comes about that seems to work, yet some last minute decisions can shelve the produce boot altogether. This is the current case with the Adidas Nitrocharge 1.0 Kevlar, that was set for impending release and even made the pages of the current soccer.com catalog. It is not something that we see happen often and a of people have requested info on the issue. In truth, it is a brave move by Adidas that should be applauded. Soccer.com is without a doubt the largest retailer in the US and to force a recall after an initial announcement about the boot is a very tricky decision.
So what happened? Rumor has it, Adidas found a flaw prior to release and spent extensive time testing the boot again. The results were inconclusive and we can confirm from our sources that this in turn resulted in an official recall, shelving the boot right before market release. What we can’t confirm is the exact issue, but it is likely to be related to the Kevlar upper since that was the primary component that differentiated this edition of the Nitrocharge. It is a shame since they had such a terrific look and the concept of creating a modern boot with Kevlar in the upper is intriguing.
Realistically, we are holding out hope that the issue is something Adidas can resolve and quickly, with a possible re-release set before the World Cup kicks off! If not, we can at least live off the glory of these images and wonder just what would have been.
What do you guys think of the design and were you excited by the concept of this boot?