Emmanuel Frimpong Gets Custom Mr. Dheo Boots

Frimpong Dench evoSPEED

Remember those Custom Balotelli boots we brought you last week? Well, the artist known as MrDheo also has a custom pair he designed for Arsenal’s Emmanuel Frimpong. The look is extremely different, but I dig these a lot.

For this one, Mr. Dheo took a pair of Puma evoSPEED’s and added a blend of Frimpong’s national colors (Ghana) with some large text on the side that reads “Frimpong is Dench”. If you are out of the loop, Frimpong has been selling a range of apparel known as Stay Dench.

Depending on how you look at it, Dench is either a slang term for “cool” or else it is a range that pays homage to Dame Judi Dench. Either way, MrDheo has done a great job of highlighting it on the boots!

Mr. Dheo Frimpong Custom

Again, like the Balotelli boots, these will NOT be worn in game. Instead, they will stand as a collectors piece in Frimpong’s personal collection at home. Is it just me or is anyone else starting to like the concept of artist designed boots like these?

What makes this pair slightly more unique and appealing to me is the fact they suit a close friend of mine. For those of you who have heard me make mention of Eric Frimpong, I think these could easily be his first pair of boots as he looks to adjust to life back in Ghana!
(Update: Eric is still in the US, but is on the verge of heading back to Ghana. Things are on hold as he continues to fight for his innocence even after serving all of his time – what does that tell you? I’ve already promised him his first pair of boots will be waiting for him when he arrives in his homeland, ready for him to get back out on the pitch!)

Which version do you guys prefer – the Balotelli or Frimpong?

If you want to stay updated with any custom graffiti releases, do yourself a favor and make sure to follow MrDheo on Facebook.

Mr Dheo x Frimpong

Mr Dheo Custom evoSPEED

Frimpong is Dench evoSPEED

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. I like the frimpongs so dench

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