McGlynn Watch – Stepping Up to the Pros

McGlynn Ryan Garza

With so many of our readers aspiring to make it at the next level, I figured it would be a good idea to feature a players experience as they make the step to the next level. Introducing you to the latest SC101 writer, Peter McGlynn. I personally have a lot in common with Peter, (we are both Irish and captained UCSB) so the opportunity to get his insights and experience was something I couldn’t turn down.

You might have heard about Peter as he finished his UCSB career, we tackle that topic below in an intro Q&A, as well as picking his brains on how he ended up at San Jose. Over the coming weeks, he will be adding more of his experiences to give you an idea of what it is like to compete for a spot with a professional soccer team.

For those who want to stay upto date with Peter on a daily basis, follow him on Twitter.

What was supplemental draft day like? How did you find out you were drafted?

I was actually working that morning, which was nice because it took my mind off of it. I knew there was a good chance I was going to get drafted, but I didn’t want to watch the draft tracker online. I went out for a run during my break, just to distract myself, and when I got back to my house my friend just let me know San Jose picked me up. I checked my phone and there was about 20 notifications. It really is a crazy experience, because you have no idea what team in the league you could end up with.

What were the steps after you found out you were drafted and when did you head to San Jose?

I immediately had to call my dad back in Dublin. He has been the biggest influence on me so I was really happy to break the news to him. After that the general manager of the Earthquakes, John Doyle gave me a call, saying they wanted me to come ASAP. That night, i went out and kicked a ball around with Nic Ryan, who just got drafted to Houston and then I flew out early the next morning.

How has your first week been? Anything unique about it?

The first few days of training in San Jose were intense. The sessions are played at a very high speed, which is nothing like the practices at Santa Barbara, where most of the time was spent sitting watching video. I have to admit, I had a few nerves going into them, but thankfully I already knew a few guys on the team like Sam Garza who just reminded me to relax and play my own game. It was a weird feeling coming from college where I was one of the oldest guys, to becoming a rookie. We traveled to Tucson, AZ for a week. This was good as I got to know a few of the guys a lot better, and started to get used to the pace and style of play here. This week has made me realize how much I was in my comfort zone at college, not really being challenged.

Have you played in any games to date with San Jose – if so what position and how’d it go?

Yes, I played 90 mins against Houston on Tuesday, and even got to mark Nic Ryan for the last 30 minutes. The first 45 in that game was a bit shaky, I’m not sure if nerves got the better of me a bit, but in the second half I picked it up and felt a lot more comfortable. On Saturday we played Colorado, and I was on for the first 45 minutes in which I thought I played very well. I Think everyday I am getting more settled and used to playing at this level.

The UCSB incident – we don’t need to go into details but we need to tackle the topic. How did it come about and what have you learned from the experience?

It was basically a lot of built up frustration from the entire season. There was a lot of things going on behind the scenes that nobody will really hear about, and my actions were just the tip of the iceberg. It was completely my fault, and I lashed out at a person that did not deserve it at all. I have definitely learned a lot from it, and will deal with the consequences when they come, but for now I’m just concentrating on my football.

What are your primary goals for the next few weeks?

It is really to just keep on improving. I know there is faults in my game that I will have to correct or they will get punished, but I think the more I play at this level, the better I will become. I am just thankful San Jose gave me this opportunity, and I am 100% committed to proving them right to do so. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Who has a question they want Peter to answer? if you have one, leave it in the comment section below!

(thanks to @SamGarza17 for the above image)

About Peter

Former captain at UCSB, Peter has played professionally in the MLS with San Jose Earthquakes, League of Ireland with Drogheda United, Bray Wanderers, & Longford Town, and now the USL with Sacramento Republic F.C. Be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram

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