Just yesterday we were introduced to the new Adidas F50 adiZero, with Lionel Messi debuting them in the Champions League vs Celtic. The pair that arrived into SoccerCleats101 HQ turned out to be perfect timing, as we were able to take them out to training last night for testing.
But as well as that, I decided it would be a good opportunity to pass them out to fellow Doxa players to see just what their reaction would be to the new boots. Obviously, the guys are not following the #1 website for boots, but that is OK as it makes their reactions a lot more authentic. Check out the video, and make sure you are subscribed to SoccerCleats101 on YouTube to stay updated on all video releases!
For those interested in the featured Synthetic version, they currently available for Pre-Order on WeGotSoccer. Alternatively, the Leather version is available to order from Soccer.com for $209.99.
Please note, this is not a “performance” focused video – it is simply to do with the initial reaction to the colorway and design. Most players have not worn the adiZero, so views expressed are those of the players and not SoccerCleats101.