Pele Trinity 3E K – Ready For Testing!

Pele Trinity K in Rain

In a SoccerCleats101 exclusive, we have received the first pair of Pele Trinity 3E K boots available and have got them into testing already! The official retail release date for the boots is this Sunday, July 15th, at which point we hope to have a comprehensive review for the lucky players that have a pair headed their way this weekend. The boot is set to retail for $229.99 and can be ordered right now at

Having spoken to the Pele Sports team, sales of the new Titan upper boot have been spectacular, and there are limited pairs left for players to get their hands on. I mentioned when they were released that I had an opportunity to check them out first hand, and at that point I was heavily impressed with the quality of the upper. Having had the opportunity to get them out on the field already, I am confident that these boots will satisfy a lot of playing styles.

Check out the video below, and stay tuned for a full review of the boots as soon as I have had enough time to assess their performance.

(For those that might not be aware, I am signed with a team in Ireland called Castle Villa to play for a few weeks – thus the wet conditions!)

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. I really liked the way that you did that video!

  2. These are basically ashore that I could use, wide enough for my feet, light, and it’s leather, of I had the money I would definitely pick these up c:


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