Most Underrated Soccer Cleats Currently on the Market

Most Underrated Soccer Cleats

With so many different ranges and boots currently floating around on the market, we take a very serious look at which pairs are the most underrated compared to the rest. Finding the right boot can be a difficult task and sometimes there are boots that are simply overlooked. This is not a “Best Of” post, instead it is an insight into the world of boots that don’t get enough attention for the positives they bring to the market.

While putting it together, we rated boots on several different categories including: value for money, comfort, general opinion and how much of them the market has actually seen. See what 5 pairs top the list and find out why below!

Trequartista II Side

Nike CTR360 Trequartista
Why? Out of all the 2nd tier releases on the market, the Trequartista ranks as the best in my opinion because of their consistent performance and similar look to the Maestri. As we found while reviewing the Trequartista, technology throughout the boot has been trimmed down, but they still make for an excellent hybrid release that will satisfy the requirements of any player on the pitch.
Retails for: $85 to $95 (best price right now – $54 at WeGotSoccer)

Umbro Geometra Pro side

Umbro Geometra Pro
Why? Umbro has emerged as a top player in the past year, and the Geometra Pro tops the list – especially when you consider that several top players have compared them as better than the CTR360 Maestri! A padded zone called the ECZ, or Energy Control Zone, sits on the instep making for great control and it is one of the best additions to a boot that I have tested. Nikes influence is also playing out in the designs, and these look sharp. They also offer plenty of durability.
Retails for: $150 to $180 (best price right now – $126 at

Diadora Maracana Side

Diadora Maracana
Why? The Maracana is about the best boot you will find outside of Adidas and Nike! There is nothing spectacular about them, they are simply a well built piece of footwear that will have you focusing on your game and not on your feet (always a good sign!) When new players ask for suggestions on what there first pair of boots should be, theses are the ones that top the list and I send them to the review. They offer comfort, solid performance and price wise you get extreme value for money.
Retails for: $90 to $100 (best price right now – $85 at WeGotSoccer)

adiPure IV Side

Adidas adiPure IV
Why? The one high-end addition to the list is the Adidas adiPure IV. This has nothing to do with the fact that they are the best boots on the market, but they have a lot of positives – including a K-leather upper! We have seen with the recent release of the adiPure 11Pro a wave of questions from fans who want to know why Adidas moved from a K-leather to a Taurus leather. For me, this is reason enough to include them as an underrated, but now highly appreciated, boot!
Retails for: $140 to $150 (best price right now – $85 from SoccerLoco)

Joma Total Fit side

Joma Total Fit
Why? Joma has done a fantastic job of creating a simple boot that oozes class thanks to a one-piece leather upper. The only stitching that exists is on the outer joining of the leather, so the cleat is completely smooth all the way around to the back of the cleat. There are no fancy elements or added features, you are getting one piece of k-leather attached to a sole-plate, with some laces to keep them on your feet. While testing, I stated they were plain and simple – yet it works!
Retails for: $150 to $160 (best price right now – $120 at WeGotSoccer)

If there is a boot you feel should or should not have been included? Feel free to let us know your opinions below, even if you agree with the choices. Remember that this post expresses my opinions and should serve as an information source for players looking to find a new boot – so your opinion only add value for others.

Final side note: The most controversial aspect of this post is bound to surround the omission of the Adidas Copa Mundial. But here is the thing, who actually underrates the Copa? Every player out there knows what they have to offer and they are synonomous for their fantastic K-leather upper. Rest assured, it will be a boot that is included in the most consistent boots on the market post!

Most Underrated Soccer Cleats

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. man i have totally been wanting to get a pair of Trequartista! I agree with you %100 on that one! There are many boots I could bring up that are under rated, the list goes on and on.

  2. Great call on the Trequartista.

  3. eBay has a good deal on the Trequartista for $44.99 with Free Shipping. The guy is a top rated seller and has sizes 8-12 when I posted this. They are the color way above.

  4. under rated? def. the lower tier boots, but this list is great!

  5. Diadoras in general are so underrated, good call! they are always super comfortable from day one.

  6. Hey bryan, great post. just was curious, are the red and white geometra's for sale in the usa?

  7. good call on Umbro Geometra Pro, but why there’s no Mizunos on the list?
    they’re so comfortable out of the box, and maybe the most comfortable boots out there.

    especially the Wave Ignitus range, they’re way better than adiPowers IMO.

  8. Its kind of sad to think that younger players won't appreciate copas and k-leather boots as much due to the gimmicks and higher levels of technology being marketed.

  9. you can get the old adizeros for really cheap now at prodirect

  10. You can get better deals then above on eBay. There is a guy selling the Trequartista for $44.99. He has sizes 8-12. He also gives you free shipping. There are probably some deals for the other cleats on ebay too. Shop around until you find a good deal.

  11. Most underated boot of all time is not on this list and that is the lotto stadio.They resemble the copa mundials but are ten times as comfortable.

  12. The Lotto Stadio Primato is incredibly comfortable and durable, a great boot for a modest price

  13. Hi I play as a fullback and winger. What is the best cleats that offers speed, crosses and good protection when tackling and defending??

  14. Geometras are amazing.

    • I got to try them a little while ago.
      They are o.o
      I love the way dribbling feels in those things, and the lacing on the CTR has always chased me away… It's just not right 'o.O

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