Over the past few weeks, I have been thinking about some cool ways to give back to you guys for continually following SC101. I appreciate the fact so many of you visit daily and leave your thoughts and comments on posts, it allows me to continue doing what I love to do on a full-time basis! After much thinking, I have formulated a plan and what will be one of the most awesome giveaway sessions ever!
Basically, I have started picking up new pairs of boots in different sizes that I am going to use for daily giveaways. My target is to have 2 brand new pair of boots or other prizes up for grabs each day for at least a week in December – my ideal goal would be 10 days with 3 pairs up for grabs each day. As it stands, I have 10 pairs purchased – so that covers 5 days. I am also looking for several companies to “sponsor a day” so that they can offer their products for giveaway, negotiations are already in progress!
In terms of entering, it is going to be super easy – although you will need to check the site out in order to “claim” your prize (if you are a winner!) There will be more details to follow as we get closer to December, that is all I am saying for now. I wanted to put it out there so you guys start to get a little pumped for the giveaways to start!
Check out the Giveaway Timetable!
Finally, you can help us out – like this post, leave a comment below, or share it with friends – I will be using your response to encourage companies to get involved and offer up more boots for giveaway! For all the latest updates, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and subscribe to our email list.