Nike CTR360 Maestri II Elite Update – 5 Months Later

In the past few weeks, there have been several requests for an update on the CTR360 Maestri II that I tested back in December.

Since the review, I have worn them on a pretty regular basis, maybe once per week. They have actually managed to take over the spot as my go to boot – mainly because of their consistency in performance and the high level of comfort that I know I will get while wearing them. And the big thing that I can share with you is that durability has not been an issue whatsoever. The one thing that many of you have been concerned about is the durability of the upper, especially over time. Below are some images of how they currently look and overall, they are still in great shape.

Nike CTR360 Maestri IV Update

Another area where many of you have questioned is the fins along the pass and receive zone 9the black region seen above.) Again, there has not been any problems in terms of durability and all of the fins are still in place. To keep my pair in top shape, I clean them after use with a kitchen wipe and place them on my balcony (in the shade) to air dry and I have washed the laces twice to keep them looking clean.

I would expect a player who plays 3-4 times a week to get a very solid season out of a pair, with players who play less frequently going into a second season.

If you are interested in the Red Elite version that I tested, you can get a great deal on them right now as have them priced at $229. Alternatively, the Regular version in Metallic Gold colorway is priced at $162 over on WeGotSoccer.

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. Bryan, I play almost everyday. How do you recommend I clean my cleats? I don't want to spend a long time cleaning them after every use but I am willing to devote 5-10 minutes to a longer use of them.

    • I Just try to rinse off as much of the mud/ dirt asap I can when I get home, then leave them in a place to dry, but not outside on the steps to bake in the sun, that drys them too much and is bad for any cleat. I do it in my garage where its warm but not baking. Then like in a couple hours, or the next day I rinse off the rest of the dried dirt with a towel and water, and I get the scuffs or dirt stains off with a magic eraser. I find the magic eraser the best for cleaning new scuffs, But baby wipes work too. Hope this helps, and I want to see what others do too. And if you have a leather cleat, using leather food helps keep the cleat looking shiny, brand new, and keeps it durable and soft. Also as a question to others, how task bearing is it to keep a white cleat looking clean compared to a different colored cleat. I would like to know if it would be too hard for me to keep a white clean if I'm playing everyday.

  2. My brother just got a pair of the regular white/blue pair. And he says they are the most comfortable boots he has ever worn.

    And I must say, they look even better in person.

  3. ive been playign with regular maestris 2 yellow/white and thinking of getting the elites for the weight. what do you think? also how is ur shooting with maestris, its seems hard for me to do good powerful shots.

  4. how are these in slightly wet conditions?

    • I'm living in Seattle where it rains often.
      Although we didn't get that much rain recently, I can tell you that these are pretty good against moisture – better than normal leathers at the least.

  5. sorry bryan. I read your review to full extent and see that you've already answered my question. Thanks for the review!

  6. Try baby wipes, they're especially great for synthetics.

  7. Hey Bryan, sorry to bug you with the question, but how do these fit in comparison to the Adipure IV?

    • soccercleats101

      They fit in a similar fashion, the only difference is the feel of the upper, with the leather adiZero being a little softer!

      • Bryan – if I wear a 11 in a mizuno ignitus (which I believe runs big) what should I get these in? My foot measures almost exactly 11 inches long and exactly 4 inches wide (longest and widest points) which I believe means I have narrowish feet. Thanks mike

  8. Hey Bryan, if I am a 10.5 in Adipure iii (they did stretch) what should I get in the maestri II for it to be snug?

  9. Why can't I find the CTR360 Maestri II Elite FG size 10.5 anywhere?

  10. Hi, I have the elite orange and White ctr’s, I started getting black scuff Mark from trainig on artificial pitches. I have tried baby wipes, any other ideas how to remove the scuff marks?

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