So, this turned out to be a pretty cool competition – I got to have a laugh while picking a winner! Honestly, all of the entries were hilarious and I appreciate the effort that you all went to.
Selecting a winner was not easy! Below is a list of some of my favorites (with my comments in red Italics) and the winner is at the bottom!
Kaiwen Huang said:
Weave your way through the zeroes in Beckham’s oversized paycheck, dodge past nigel de jong’s wild tackles, and snatch them from the nearest hobo’s mouth. And to pay him back for taking his “sandwich”, give him a dollar and what every man wants most… a pat on the head and a cookie. 🙂
Wild, wild imagination….but instead of $1, I tend to offer Subway sandwiches with the cookies!
Adrian said:
You probably gave them to that dude Bryan from soccercleats101 to hide amongst his collection of hundreds.
I do have a decent collection….and I did steal them from myself…..hmmmmm
Jake Walker said:
Since no one watches the WNBA, you hid them where no one would ever think to look: the LA Sparks basketball stadium.
Collin said:
You hid them inside of a keg of Guiness…knowing that people from LA only Drink Apple-tini’s. Eventually you would have to drink the keg of Guiness and that is chore only a true Irishman could accomplish…the perfect crime.
Miguel Said:
After a long night at the Montalban theater and visit to dillion’s, you got home and saw the shoes laying around you saw the bright color and found a pirma box and put them inside because you were 100% sure no other brand chooses this type of color.
Andy Lee:
Where else would an Irishman lose something? He left them at the PUB! The left shoe is on the tap for Asahi and the other for Bryan’s favorite, HARP!
Note the trend with these answers…. I think you guys know me TOO well!!
Nicky Nicky Nick said:
In an Angelyne billboard…
Sadly, I had to Google this one!
Gustavo said:
As the soccer gods saw a star player named Brian they sent him some ancient golden rare cleats. They put him to the test and saw that they were meant for his skills. So he got them but everyone got jealous of those undestructable cleats. He decided to put them away or it would cause the unwanted WW3!! So he left at midnight into the moonlight to Chinatown. He went to the golden dragon hidden from us others. He proceeded to put them in the golden dragons mouth and it shut. They are now forever hidden somewhere in Chinatown and up to us to find it. If we do then we shall be punished because the gods sent it to a pro player and only mean meant for him. Hope u liked xD
I really liked this one and Gustavo you were ever so close to winning, but I don’t want people knowing I am actually a soccer God! (lol)
Garrett Humbles said:
While in the Doxa Italia locker room…you hid them the left boot in David Adams’ locker and the right boot in the locker of Trevor Persson (worst player ever;]).
You could be right about the Trevor part….but not where I left the boots!
Jose Reyes, Mr. WinaShoe and Woldstad
Love the effort from all of you guys, and you were a very close tied second…..really enjoyed the “poems”!
But the winner is…..
Kevin Chung said:
This is so simple guys. The answer is right in front of us and Bryan gave us all the clues we need. “I stole them from myself and hid them in LA”? They are way too dangerous to just “stow it away” so he must have handled it with great care. So I’m guessing it’s in the Jet Propulsion Lab and the NASA scientists are trying to figure out the physics behind the Wave Ignite and the Mukaiten panel. I still can’t figure out how to make it work by the way…
All to true my friend, the technology in these bad boys is pretty dangerous. Kevin – your job is to test out the Wave ignite and send me a full breakdown on the physics behind them!
If you want to check out all of the comments you can check them out here.