Battle of the Sexes – Are Women’s Cleats Interchangeable With Men’s?

Predator LZ Mens vs Womens

Despite the endless options of colorways, styles, fits and brands, some girls still want to know: “can I wear men’s and women’s cleats?” After speaking to what I consider to be the top 3 cleat manufacturers – Nike, Adidas and PUMA – they have answered the most important and historic question ever. All cleats ARE created equal! Or, at least, when comparing a men’s version to a women’s. Occasionally you may run into a men’s cleat that was designed to be a few centimeters wider, but for the majority of cleats, the only difference between the gender specifics is the 1-1.5 size difference that you would normally convert between the two shoes.

Although I only recently did the actual manufacturing research, let it be known that I myself have worn men’s cleats for at least 80% of my soccer experiences in the past 15 years. While playing in college at UCLA, we were given men’s cleats as well, so clearly the manufacturers didn’t see much of a discrepancy either.

Besides having worn them because they were free, I usually chose men’s cleats simply because of the availablity and the colors. I happen to be one of those girls that is not willing to rock the pink, purple or baby-blue cleats, which usually steers me towards the men’s section. However, the bright, traditionally-girlish colors have become more of a trend in the men’s department in the past few years, so maybe I’ll be making my way back to the women’s side soon. Hopefully their has been some major progress!

The availability of the men’s cleats is much greater as far as sizes, models and even sales, leaving it easier to find a great cleat that fits your foot. All in all, find whatever one is comfortable and available as the material, design and every other component are going to be identical.

For those interesting in comparing different styles and designs between both versions, check out the listings on mens selection vs womens selection.

For everything female,

Elise Britt

About Elise Britt

Elise is our resident Female writer, who is dedicated to covering all aspects of the female game. She played college at UCLA and just recently won the WPSL National Championship with the San Diego Sea Lions - so, she has plenty of experience in the game!

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