Defenders hold huge responsibilities as part of a soccer team. It is pretty easy for a striker to dose off for 30 seconds and miss a chance or two. But for a defender, one slip can mean conceding a goal and losing the game. With that in mind, we have put together a list of cleats that we recommend for defenders. In putting this list together, we took the following into consideration:
- Comfort – Defenders need to have total confidence in the cleat they are wearing.
- Responsiveness – Defenders have to be focused 100% of the time.
- Support and Durability – Defenders must be ready to get stuck in on tackles.
Nike Total90 Laser III – (Read review)
One of the key reasons that the Nike Laser III is on the list is how it improves shot power and accuracy. As a defender, there are many times in a game when playing a long ball to the front man is necessary. When this happens, you want to be able play it right where the forward needs it, ensuring you relieve pressure on your defense. The Laser III is designed with 5 pods that lie along the strike zone to increase power. On the side, there are ‘fins’ that are designed to improve touch and control, also very important features. To summarize, these babies tick just about all the boxes needed for a defender!
Search for a pair of Nike T90 Laser III
Under Armour Dominate – (Read review)
The UA Dominate offer more protection than any other cleat on this list. This is due to the MPZ (Modular Protection Zone) that is designed to protect the metatarsal bone of the foot. Over the past few seasons, there have been some very famous metatarsal breaks. Back before the start of the 2006 World Cup, David Beckham famously came down with a break that left him unfit going into the tournament. I actually found the UA Dominate to be one of the more comfortable cleats available on the market. A lot of people were concerned with how UA were going to fair in the soccer cleat market, and apart from their color choices, I think they have become a player in the market. If you find yourself sliding in on tackles all over the pitch, these might be the right choice for you!
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Adidas Predator X – (Read review)
The Predator X is a super comfortable cleat that offers another great options for players who want to play accurate long balls. The strike zone of the Predator X has an area of raised silicon that is designed to improve shot power. Without being a bulky cleat, it also offers good protection and is definitely suitable for players who like to tackle hard, and I give them full marks for comfort. Adidas have also added a unique heal protector, that adds an extra piece of safety when players tackle you from behind. Any defender wearing these is sure to have confidence in their play!
Search for a pair of Adidas Predator X
Puma King XL – (Read review)
Enduring the test of time (over 40 years now), the Puma King range continues to satisfy all players of all positions on the pitch. But, in my opinion, it has a lot more to offer defenders than any other position. First off, these are one of the most comfortable cleats on the market and break in very easily. They also have more of a rounder toe, and I have always thought this benefits defenders. You will see a lot of defensive players, including defensive mids, wearing these cleats at the top level. After wearing these for several weeks, I can tell you that they offer great support in the most challenging of games!
Search for a pair of Puma King Finale